A pier, a view… Manhattan in all glory…

A pier, a view… Manhattan in all glory…

honestly I forgot to post this all the other day (and I have back there two times since!)… the location ? (good question) American Veterans Memorial Pier (Bay Ridge NY), really a great place where the belt parkway meets the BQE, tucked under there next to Dyker Heights (cobble stone streets and brownstones… damn it is nice), the view of Manhattan is just amazing, from Lady Liberty all the way down to the UN Building (which off the top of my head is on 43rd, I used to have an account there)… so here are some photos….

I was wondering how the panorama photos would go here, on Facebook (you have to scroll through my feed, I don’t know how to link to it directly at the moment) they are much cooler (you can scroll and drag them).  I also made a video for those interested… pardon the noise, it was windy !